As for simple living, tea is a good idea. It's simple and smart. Filled with antioxidants, economical to make, and with stevia as the sweetener in lieu of granulated sugar, it's healthy for you and good on the budget. In competition with sodas, tea wins hands down. Green or black.
When the research is reviewed on the benefits of tea, and then compared to that compiled for sodas - which are rapidly becoming known as "liquid candy" - tea seems to be the optimal choice for home consumption.
My version: three big bags of decaffienated black tea combined with a three small bags of green tea (also, decaffienated) in a teapot, with a spoon or knife to take the heat; boiling water poured to the top and steeped for ten to twenty minutes; then, poured into a huge pitcher that has a lid, water added together with stevia to taste and some lemon juice, maybe a wedge or two. Lasts a couple of days.