Right off the bat, I want you to know that I'm not getting paid anything to write about this product, not a single penny. Osteo-Pet isn't sending me any freebies, either - they don't even know I exist.
I just want to share with you, Dear Reader, how much these supplements have changed my dog's life (and therefore, my life) for the better.
Let's go back to May. Middle of the month, and my boy dog (born in 2002) was moving slow and not running around in the yard any longer. Didn't like to get up and move around, panting more that he used to do. Stiff back legs when he awoke in the morning.
His ball - his very, VERY favorite toy, lay on his bed but he never brought it to me any longer, asking to go play fetch and catch.
Then, the WORST thing happened. That night, he couldn't jump on the bed. Now, this pup has slept on the bed with me every night (except for a handful of times) since he was born. Every night. Heck, he thinks it's his bed and he's gracious enough to share it with me.
But he just couldn't do it. And he wouldn't let me lift him. You cannot know (or maybe you can, if you've gone through this too) how devastating this was - for both of us. I cried and cried, thinking how it was a sign that I was going to lose him sooner rather than later. I cried even harder because I could not figure out how to make him feel better.
Then I went to the internet. That night. Thank you God for the WEB!
The next day, thanks to Amazon, we began our Osteo-Pet Joint Care regimen. Reviews explained that it would be a slow process, and it was. But things began to get better in a couple of weeks.
And now, here we are in the first week of October. Dear Reader, he's back to chasing SQUIRRELS in the back yard, he's bouncing up to start the day, he's playing ball and more. He was doing lots of this by August, but he seems to be even more peppy and energetic and, well, happy, now. (And if you don't know a happy dog from a sad one, you don't know dogs.)
It's amazing. It's wonderful. It's a blessing and an answered prayer.
His fur is thicker than it's ever been, he's got a great appetite, his face is one big smile all the time, and he jumps up on the bed now in the middle of the day, bouncing around a bit, just to show everyone that he CAN, goshdarnit!
I know that my boy may have another chapter where he can't jump up on the bed again. I know that he's a "senior dog" and this isn't a miracle cure for aging.
But Osteo Pet Joint Care has given him a new lease on life and I'm so very grateful. I thought I'd share with you, Dear Reader, because maybe our story will help another older, wonderful dog in pain, too.
Read my Amazon review here.
P.S. This is all the more joyous for me considering how I lost my beloved Molly in 2004, where in October she was given Rimadyl by the vet for joint pain, an otherwise healthy dog, and by March she was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer (which the vet had told me in October was a "possible side effect but it's a quality of life decision"). Never saw much help for Molly from it, either. Do your own web research on Rimadyl, I'm still angry about what happened. Wish I'd known about Osteo Pet Joint Care back then.