January 10, 2012

Students Offered Some Good Bargains Today at Kindle Daily Deal

For today only, Amazon has a Daily Deal that looks to be pretty darn good for students (and book lovers and those who love to learn).

Seems that the Kindle Daily Deal for January 10th is an offer of 80% off Kindle books for students.  This works best if you have a Kindle, of course, but you don't have to have one of their e-readers to read their books (which are published in a proprietary fashion so you need an Amazon product to read an Amazon product).

You can download free software to read Kindle Books on your PC, Mac, or phone.  Just visit Amazon.com.  I do use Amazon for PC occasionally, it works fine. 

As for the student bargains today, Amazon is also promoting its Amazon Student membership for college students.  It's free.  And for the first six month, members get free 2-day shipping with Amazon Prime shipping benefits.  Other stuff, too. 

I like Amazon.  Good prices, good customer service, and I tend to believe their reviews.  Okay, yes.  I admit, there are some reviews that seem phony for some stuff.  Nothing's perfect.