February 21, 2011

Protecting Your EMail from Hackers - Free Sometimes Comes With a Price

More and more, I'm communicating online.  You are, too.  Even those holding on with clinched fists to old school ways -- snail mail, faxes, land line phones -- are recognizing the ease of some web tools.  Especially when they are FREE ....

At the top of this list, email.  Yahoo!, Gmail, Hotmail ... all are free.  In this day and age, you probably need to have a least one email account, right?  Then comes the next question, how to be safe online.

Earlier this month, a nice and easy to follow synopsis of what you can do to protect your email from being hacked was published by WikiHow - it's worth your read.

However, maybe one of the best bits of advice to keep your email safe (and other online accounts, as well) is to use really strong passwords and then change them on a routine basis.  Remember to use letters and numbers, lower case and upper case, and to see how tough your new password is against a hacker, get it checked online. 

For more help, check out the advice given by TheGeekStuff.  For those that understand that many of us need not only strong passwords, but ones that are easy to remember - read what LifeHack suggests.

Got a new password ready to go? There are lots of free password checkers online (and your security software may provide this service, too).  One you'll recognize:  Microsoft's Password Checker. 

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