April 10, 2009

You Can Buy Coca-Cola Made With Sugar NOT High Fructose Corn Syrup: Buy Kosher Coke

Here in San Antonio, we're lucky to be close enough to the Mexican border that we can get our hands on Coca-Cola made in Mexico, where they don't put high fructose corn syrup in their product. Yep, in Mexico they use sugar -- just like our good old American cokes had in them until the 1980s. (Locals, you can get Mexican Coca-Cola anytime at Central Market.)

However, during Passover, everyone in the US gets a break. Because Coca-Cola actually distributes a Kosher version of Coca-Cola that is made with sugar, not HFCS. Here's how you can tell which bottles are with sugar, and why you should care.

First of all, high fructose corn syrup is bad for you -- no matter what their advertising campaign is telling you -- so that's a given, you should avoid it. But for Coke aficionados, it's more than that.

Coca-Cola made the old-fashion way just tastes better. Sugar in the soda gives it a slightly different bang for your buck. Give it a try -- just look for the Coca-Cola bottles with the YELLOW cap.

News reports are that it's "flying off the shelves." Maybe you better hurry.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:20 PM

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