First, it's much simpler to read the New York Times online than it is to purchase the print version. Cheaper, easier on the trees.
Second, Matt Gross, the Frugal Traveler, really knows his stuff. Check out his current Grand Tour of Europe on a Budget -- he's covering Europe over 12 weeks this summer, and on a budget of less than 100 euros a day (or 156 dollars). His average daily total thus far has been $143.53 -- not the cheapest vacation for some simplifiers, but heck. It's EUROPE.
On June 18th, Matt Gross was in Rome. He's staying at a beautiful convent (found at MonasteryStays.com); he's drinking 70 cent macchiato (yes, that is 70 cents, take that Starbucks); and having fresh, delicious Northern Italian meals (roast veal, zucchini, beer) for 14 euros.
It's nice to read and daydream about ... travel can be done, and done well, on a budget. Even Europe. Even Rome.