July 12, 2006

Smithsonian Podcasts

The Smithsonian Institution has a growing collection of podcasts worthy of your time at its website. There's lots of interesting stuff here, like storytelling and interviews and curator talks. Storytelling, for example, includes the following this month:

"Silk Road Stories
The Freer and Sackler Galleries' Silk Road Storytelling group is made up of volunteers from the Washington DC community who have cultural ties to various sites along the ancient Silk Road. They trained with professional storyteller Louise Omoto Kessel to learn to tell stories from their homelands, including Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, China, Mongolia, Korea, and Japan. Here is a sample of their stories. We trust that listeners will experience the many ways that appreciation for family, meaningful work, truth, beauty, and mystery are expressed through these unique voices from along the ancient trading route.

Listen now:
Dilber, the Beautiful Girl Whose Wish Was Not Filfilled (Turkey, 11:16)
How Asanga Came to See the Future Buddha (Tibet, 11:43)
Jade (Taiwan, 10:17)
Malik and the King (Bangladesh, 7:43)
Peach Boy (Japan, 8:10)
The Cow Boy and the Weaving Lady (China, 11:01)
The Discovery of Silk (China, 1:06)
The Ruti Eaters (Bangladesh, 5:34