One-half cup cooked beans cuts bad cholesterol (LDL) by 10%.
Mushrooms, maitake or shiitake (if fresh, 3 oz., if dried, 1/3 ounce), cut bad cholesterol by 7 and 12 percent respectively.
One-half of a raw onion raises the good cholesterol (HDL).
One carrot cuts stroke rate in women by 68%.
Six servings of Fruits and Vegetables cuts stroke rate by 44%. Up it to nine servings, cut the rate by 66%.
Two tablespoons of cooked cabbage protects against stomach cancer.
One-half cup of spinach cuts macular degeneration odds by 43%.
Two to four stalks of celery cuts high blood pressure.
One ounce of fish oil cuts risk of heart attack by 50%.
One cup of yogurt boosts your immune system, as well as reduces colds and other respiratory infections.
Sources: baumanncollege.com, HNA.com, naturalways.com.