January 20, 2006

Stop Osteoporosis With Sunshine

Your body will create enough Vitamin D for itself, if you will give it 15 minutes of sunshine, three times a week. Without sufficient Vitamin D, you risk osteoporosis if you're an adult, and rickets if you're a child. In America, many people can't (read that won't) get themselves outdoors to even meet this minimal need - so practitioners like Dr. Andrew Weil are recommending supplements at 1000 mg or more of Vitamin D to meet the insufficiency. Sunshine is free.

Source: MedlinePlus, Dr.Weil.Com.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Oh, please! Don't you know yet that medications are toxic to the liver and create all kinds of other destructive side effects? Especially over time.

    Natural sunlight is healing -- do the research. And it is not harming if you have a good nutritional base.

    As for headaches, you can use pressure points, drink some (more) pure water, stretch away tensions & other natural means. Headaches are a sign something's wrong, so don't medicate it!
